Sunday, February 19, 2012

Odd thing about being a woman of a certain age, important things change but somehow stay the same.  Sometimes thoughts become larger then life and life seems smaller then it ever was before.  I read a book not to long ago and when I can accurately reference it. I will. This woman came from a family where communication was nonexistant so she knew very little about her family, her relatives, herself and this was also the fate of her children to that point in time.  Her point was, tell your story, so everyone knows who they are, where they came from.  I have wondered so often about my distant relatives, what was their lifes point of view, politics, what were their successes and tragedies.  I know a few stories, my family knows many more. My hope is everyone will contibute what they know of our story.  Crazy to think I (we) have a story at all and it may be just a story about the human condition but thats life.